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How to Organize Your Life And Save Money

Clutter was everywhere, and I couldn't think straight. I had a list of things to do in my office, and I could not get started because of the clutter. It was stressing me out, and I just walked away. Usually, I'm a very organized person, and that week I had a lot going on. Has this ever happened to you?

Conquering Clutter

My task list was not going anywhere, so I turned back around and started straightening up my desk and getting my papers organized. I started separating my business papers, my employer's papers, and study material into a section of its own. My desk was back to normal, and I could breathe and think better. I took a couple of minutes to look at my accomplishment and reflect on how I got into that situation in the first place. I reminded myself that I needed to follow my list and take the time to organize one area before moving on to the next.

If a cluttered desk is a sign of a cluttered mind, of what, then, is an empty desk a sign? - Einstein

Sorry Einstein, but I'd rather have a clear desk and an uncluttered mind.

Creating A Tasks Lists

Creating a task list can help you conquer your weekly and daily duties. Whether washing clothes, cooking dinner, managing your budget, or doing your taxes, having a task list can help you check the box and maintain your sanity. When you finish a task, checking the box can also motivate you to move on to the next day's item. You don't want to be busy and not accomplish anything at all. Your task list can help you focus.

Developing A Routine

When you develop a routine, it can flow over into other aspects of your life. Having a daily or weekly schedule can help you prepare meals, leave your home for work quicker, and even develop an exercise routine. It can also help you manage your finances. I know you've probably heard that variety is the spice of life, but sometimes you may need a sprinkle of sugar. It can eliminate the chaos that I encountered when walking into my office.

Managing Your Finances

How does having a routine help you manage your finances? Let me ask you this. When you wake up in the morning, do you already know what you're going to wear? If not, do you stand in your closet trying to pick out an outfit, and how long does that take you? What happens after that is a trickledown effect on your day and your budget.

Standing in your closet before you leave for work can take a few extra minutes that you didn't plan for. Then, you run out the door without eating breakfast, drinking your coffee, or taking your lunch. So now, you pull up to your favorite breakfast spot and leave work to pick up a bite for lunch. By the time you're halfway through the day, you've spent about $25 that you didn't have in your budget. And, the day was stressful, so you pick up food on the way home so that you can relax. Whoa, that's another $30 for a family of four! Does that sound about right? Try doing this three to five times a week and add up how much you spend.

The Solution

Try creating a weekly schedule for yourself. On Saturday, make your dinner meal plans for the week and ensure that you have everything you need and any meat thawed out. On Sunday, pick out your outfits for the week. Start each day with a bit of exercise in the morning. Exercising can help you mentally prepare for the day ahead. Your clothes are already picked out so you can shower, dress, and prepare your breakfast and lunch.

Tip: Prepare your lunch the night before so you only have to worry about breakfast and coffee in the morning. Finally, when you get home, cook the dinner that you planned.

Creating a weekly schedule can save you between $100 to $150 a week, depending on your family size. It can also help you maintain your sanity and your health. Eating healthier food at home not only saves you money but can also save you a trip to the doctor. Your health is wealth, and taking care of it today can help you save money for future goals.


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