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How To Organize Your Closet And Finances

A person folding clothes

Have you ever woken up on Monday morning to prepare for work and stood in your closet deciding on what to wear? Did the disorganization of your closet cause disorganization of your mind? This can sometimes start the day and the week off with a negative mindset. Disorganization and clutter can also bleed into other areas of your life. Having an organized closet can lead to other aspects of your life becoming organized as well.

Organzing Your Closet

Organizing your closet can allow you to start the day and week off with a positive mindset. Sorting your clothes by color, season, and apparel type can make it easier for you to decide what to wear for that day and week. It can also eliminate some of the clothes you don’t wear or will never wear again. This can create space in your closet that wasn’t there before and lead to insight into other things in your life that can be eliminated.

My closet is organized by color, clothing type, and season (shirts, dresses, pants, etc.). I have my short-sleeve shirts, long-sleeve shirts, coats, and sweaters in separate areas. Organizing my closet this way makes it easy for me to pick out an item when I’m on the go and helps to eliminate searching for that special shirt or dress that I want to wear. This decreases the time that I would spend standing in my closet figuring out what to wear.

See my feature in Spring Cleaning 101 on 21Oak.

Decluttering Your Closet

As the seasons change, I also declutter my closet. To accomplish this, I turned all my hangers backward in my closet. If a hanger is not turned around after six months, I donate or sell that item. This allows me to provide a service to the local community by giving gently used items to those in need. I also sell some of the things and make a profit. You can find online companies or local businesses that will pay you for your gently used items.

The Importance of Decluttering

Organizing and decluttering your closet can lead to positive influences on other aspects of your life. When decluttering your wardrobe, you can see the benefits received from donating or selling your clothes. There is that intrinsic reward received from providing something of value to others. You can also receive a monetary increase by selling your clothes on various levels.

You receive money by selling your clothes; you also save money by decreasing the likelihood of purchasing additional clothing items. For example, when your closet is cluttered, you may not find what you’re looking for and buy another “blue shirt.” Now, I know you look your best in your signature color, but how many of those “blue shirts” do you need?

How Organization Can Impact Your Life

The bottom line is that the benefits of organizing your closet can start your week off with a positive mindset and lead to cost savings in the future. It can also lead to you organizing your desk, your car, and even your kitchen cupboards. Next, you can tackle organizing your budget. An organized budget can lead to an organized life. Let me know if this tip worked for you, the cost savings you noticed, or if you have other suggestions on how you manage your life.

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