Annette Harris
Jul 24, 20242 min read
Summer Pandemic Electronic Benefits Transfer in Florida
Summer Pandemic Electronic Benefits Transfer (P-EBT) is a program that provides food assistance to children who are eligible for free or red
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Annette Harris
Apr 12, 20243 min read
The Illusion of Convenience: The Disastrous Impact of Dollar Stores in Food Deserts
What's the problem with a dollar store in your neighborhood? The presence of dollar stores in food deserts is not a solution but a problem.
Annette Harris
Dec 17, 20224 min read
6 Ways to Eat Healthy When Living in a Food Desert
Here are a few tips for finding healthy and nutritious food when you live in a food desert. Finding a local food bank and visiting a farmers
Annette Harris
Oct 10, 20223 min read
How To Budget For Groceries
Food budgets can change monthly and depend on the size of a household and its consumption rate. Here are a couple of ways to keep food costs
Annette Harris
Feb 19, 20223 min read
Investing in Your Health Through Smart Shopping
Your health plays an integral part in your wealth. Having a method to plan, purchase, and prepare your meals can impact your health and your
Annette Harris
Jul 18, 20212 min read
4 Reasons Why Your Expenses Are Breaking the Bank
Budgeting your expenses is tough in general, but you can get your finances in order with four simple changes.
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